The Month of Love

Ahhhh, February, my birth month. I was born on Valentine’s Day, so you can just celebrate that date in remembrance of my movies instead of all this love shit.

Speaking of my films, the weirdo movie website posted reviews for both Frankensteins Bloody Nightmare and Scars of Youth which I quite enjoyed reading. The special edition release of Massacre Mafia Style also garned some okay reviews on Mondo Digital, Cinesploitation and the Trash Guru blog but a few of these guys got the source of the DVD wrong – I was able find a 1″ video master for MMS which was in the Mitchell’s possession. It wasn’t taken from VHS, but it was still an older analog video source that I did my best to make look presentable, which I believe I accomplished. Anyway, beyond any minor quibbles they were generally positive reviews and I’m glad that people were able to appreciate some of the sleepless nights that I poured into the project along with Duke Mitchell’s own eccentric genious.

That’s about it for me right now, beyond that fact that I’m watching lots of Doctor Who and I’m steadily working on the screenplay for this new film which is kind of a strange dream project full all kinds of odd stuff I’ve wanted to do since I graduated film school, so I’ll have to see how that pans out.