A Slight Update

Just to let everyone “in the know” on what’s been happening with the film, this friday (black friday to be exact) we’re having a local preview screening for the film and I hope to premiere it at a larger festival next year. I’ve got a little interest from a couple fests but we’ll see how it all goes.

As well as pursuing distribution for the film, I also hope to self-release the film on DVD in a very limited edition which I might be announcing very soon. As far as DIY distribution goes for me, the reasons are both financial and quality-related. To be quite honest, foremost in my mind was quality because with Scars of Youth I want a top-shelf release in a 16:9 progressive transfer (downcoverted from the 1080p HD source), Dolby 5.1 audio with all the special edition trimmings. Also, when you make a film at a certain budget it almost makes sense to self-release given the current indie film climate, which can at times be as desolate as any post-apocalyptic landscape