Magazine Articles and More

Screem #15 includes a fairly in-depth interview with me where I discuss the making of this FBN film, Super-8, Cinemagic, Buio Omega and some of the screenplays I’ve got ready to go. I’d like to thank Travis and everyone and Screem for putting the whole thing together.

The newest issue of the long-running UK Sci-Fi Lit Mag Interzone (issue #212 to be exact) also featured a review of FBN but I haven’t found a copy yet so I don‘t know much about it yet. About the only tidbit about that FBN screening that I could find online was some guy’s blog where he compared the film to Blair Witch and didn’t like it very much. Oh well, I have no idea of how the audience as a whole felt. I’m just happy that I was included in the shows but their screenings of those Coffin Joe films sounded fun.

Last but not least, if you’re interested in reading some of my favorite Halloween-time movies, just published a helpful list for you. An eclectic list perhaps, but I wanted to pick some more obscure movies like The Mangler, stuff nobody picks.