Unearthed Films Newsletter – FBN and POAK

Frankenstein’s Bloody Nightmare May 22nd and Philosphy of a Knife Update

Dear Gorehounds and Dead Women,

Hope all is well in your undead section of the world. It’s quite sticky and maggot infested here at Unearthed Films Headquarters. I guess we kept too many dead bodies laying around for our own good. Anyway, looks like we have another film coming out, it’s actually today of days. It’s called Frankenstein’s Bloody Nightmare and it’s directed by John Hand. This crazed individual is the master of Pulsing Cinema and he has made a film that is close to his black encrusted heart.

What is it about you may ask? Well, here’s the synopsis…

Brilliant young Victor Karlstein finds himself lost in an abyss of personal turmoil and professional stress after the woman he most likely seemed to love dies while under the care of his own mysterious medical facility. Determined to keep her alive, Victor uses his mechanically-enhanced reanimated corpse to murder young women in order to furnish “raw parts” for her new body, among other devious things.

A grainy echo of experimental and fantastic films of years past rendered in wild splashes of saturated super-8 cinematography, Frankensteins Bloody Nightmare is the debut feature from writer/producer/director John R. Hand.

This film is quite experimental and John has a knack for disturbing images and far out visuals. It maybe a little to far out for some of you but for those of you that love the throwback films of the 70’s with a dash of David Lynch, then this is what you get.

On the fore front of our assault on your senses, we have This Hollow Sacrament from Greg Stechman, A reality based serial killer flick with real war footage taken from Iraq, Gareth Evan’s Footsteps, A low down and gritty British film that takes you into the seedy underground of violent video photography, Carmilla, the Lesbian Vampire by Vince D”Amato. Originally released as Vampires VS Zombies but we have the uncut version of it. The Hari Kari Series all in Gorno-vision and the sequel to the gorebuster hit Red Room, RED ROOM 2. We have plenty more films like Mercy from Patrick Roddy which is now getting rave reviews around the web… more splatter from Germany and Japan that is almost to numerous to mention.

On the flip side, I have to tell you something. Come over here… get real close… closer… closer… It’s done.

Philosophy of a Knife that is! It’s finally finished; our 1st film and I do have to say. Holy Crap! We just finished watching it over at Rhett’s house on his huge TV and my god! It’s a sight to behold. I’ve seen a lot of films before and I have seen a lot of documentaries and I have never seen anything like this! It’s a gorehounds wet dream of shock, gore and torture all while learning what a secret section of the Japanese Government was doing to learn about the secrets of what the human body can handle. Every single experiment is recreated and never before seen facts are disturbingly brought out to the forefront for everyone to see.

My jaw hit the floor on several of the gore scenes and this film will go down in history unlike any other gore film since it is the 1st of it’s kind. I really couldn’t believe what Andrey Iskanov did in Russia to come up with the special effects. It’s amazing and runs 4 hours long. The documentary is split into two parts and I do have to say, Discovery Channel, eat your heart out! We will be showcasing this at film festivals around the world and see what the critics and other companies have to say about it.

Anyway, I have to get the rotten corpses out of the library to get ready to move. I think our headquarters is getting a little too hot and the smell is starting to get to the neighbors. Maybe I should set it on fire to conceal the evidence. That’s a great idea so I’m off for some kerosene. Talk to you later.

Stephen Biro
Unearthed Films